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You have a vision. A clear mission. Passion. Drive.  And that attracts talent.  In abundance.  Talent that can make your vision a reality.

But for that to happen – for the talent you attract to make your vision a reality – you have to do two things: keep hold of that talent; and unlock the potential – the strengths, skills, qualities, and values - that each person brings to the table.

And if you don’t do that, the talent that can make your vision a reality becomes the talent you can't keep hold of.  Talent that comes, and talent that goes. A revolving door; a leaky bucket; a thorn in your side.

I’ve experienced that revolving door. That leaky bucket.  That thorn in your side.  Both as an entrepreneur and as an employee.

I know what it is to see the talent that you thought would be the tipping point in your quest for success come, and go. 

And I know what it is to feel so consumed by your role that you can no longer breathe, and the only solution seems to be to cut and run.

I know that pain.  And then some.

And with more than two decades’ experience helping businesses face up to and deal with this problem, I know how to fix it once and for all.


Training and coaching tailored to your specific needs

E3 allows your team to develop a level of self-awareness that equips them with capabilities to navigate uncertainty and flourish in adversity.

And, if you think about it, that’s hardly an earth-shattering revelation. And it’s definitely not rocket science. 

In fact, it’s basic common sense, really: when your talent understands who they are and what they bring to the table (good and bad), can navigate the twists and turns that lie ahead with confidence, and have an eagerness, hope and belief for all that lies ahead, not only do they flourish in their role, but your business soars - not just to the next level, but far, far beyond.

No more revolving door. Just a well-oiled, high-performing, happy, resilient business delivering way, way beyond even your wildest expectations.

E3 breaks down into three components – coaching, training, and consulting.  And, alongside those components sit tailored coaching and training programmes designed to deliver the outcomes that you, your talent, and your business crave.


Access one-to-one coaching for your talent.  From shopfloor to boardroom, coaching helps your people identify the way forward, overcome the obstacles that are blocking their path, and achieve new heights in engagement, performance, and fulfilment.



Equip your people with the skills they need to boost not just their performance in their role, but their underlying sense of meaning, purpose, fulfilment, and general life satisfaction, and experience the joy of watching your business become everything you dreamed it would be, and more.



Get to grips with what is going on under the hood in your business.  Rediscover why you went into business in the first place, and then discover what’s working, what’s not working, and what the missing pieces of the jigsaw are, so that you can design a roadmap to finally create the business that you always wanted to have.



Comprising elements of one-to-one coaching, group coaching, personality diagnostics, taught masterclass sessions, self-directed learning, and with a heavy emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability, E3 Programmes are tailored to meet your specific requirements to equip and empower your talent to deliver your mission and turn your vision from dream to reality.


Using industry-leading diagnostic and coaching tools, I will help you unlock the potential in the talent within your business , so that the vision that burned in your soul will finally become a reality.

So let's talk.  No strings.  No cost.  But imagine what it could lead to...



coach. mentor. trainer

I know the tension.  And I know the frustration.  The despondency and disillusionment.  The feeling of foreboding and despair.  And I know that sense of being out of control in your own life, and in your own business, with no way to change anything.

And I know where all of that ends up. Which, is why I also know that doing nothing is simply not an option.

And I also know what it takes to set yourself free from the tension, frustration, despondency and disillusionment.  To step out from underneath the shadow of foreboding and despair.  To put yourself in control of your life and your business.

It's hard work.  It takes courage and commitment.  But it's not complicated.  And I can show you how.  So that you can begin to create the life and the business that you actually want.



Download your free copy of Stress Uncovered now, and take the first steps towards a high performing, happy and resilient team

A comprehensive real-word guide to understanding, taming and managing stress

As you work your way through Stress Uncovered, you will...

  • Discover what stress is, the purpose it serves, and how it works
  • Learn the effects that stress has on your mind and on your body
  • Recognise the signs
  • Identify the things that cause you stress
  • Learn tools and techniques to make you the master of your stress
  • Equip yourself not just to tame stress in the here and now, but to manage it in the future
  • And you can get all of that for free.  No strings attached

Simply enter your name and email address below, click download, and a comprehensive guide to understanding, managing, and taming stress is yours.  Supplied in Kindle, ePub and PDF formats.


Listen to what past clients have to say...


Company Director

Andy takes complex theory, scientific facts, practical common sense, proven approaches and all of his years of experience of not just teaching, but actually doing this stuff, and boils it all down into a unique style that makes it easy not just to understand, but to immediately start applying to your own day-to-day life. 


Social Care Worker

Interesting, informative, interactive, practical and enjoyable, Andy's passion for what he teaches is infectious and delivered with a genuine desire to impart the very best of his knowledge for every participant.  Highly recommended.



Andy is incredibly skilled and somehow makes my spaghetti shaped thoughts seem crystal clear. He's also a great listener and is so empathic, combining all the skills that I so needed to find in a Coach



What makes this incredibly valuable is the way in which Andy presents a lot of complex information in such an accessible and memorable way. It makes you want to get to work immediately! I highly recommend it!


Company Director

Working with Andy, I was able to identify the obstacles I was facing and the solutions we needed - as well as how to implement them - and to cut through all the noise, set clear goals and get the results I wanted with the minimum of fuss.


Residential Services

It's one thing to understand what mental fitness is, but identifying the factors that contribute to it, and putting all that into practice, is quite another.  And that's what Andy helps you do so that you can see the way ahead and take control of your life.